Waiting for Healing

Nashville Nights Book 2

The battle of wits and flirtatious energy between them was enough to satisfy the desire hiding behind his playful demeanor. Until it wasn’t, now he’ll stop at nothing to make her his.

Tucker: When I first met Taylor I was enthralled by her very being. The way she was confident, fierce, and loyal to those closest to her made her all the more captivating. My hopes for a chance with her were diminished when I found out she was unavailable in the way I wanted her most. After a year of settling for friendship, she’s finally ready to start dating – only the person she chooses isn’t me.

Taylor: I swore to myself I would never be in the position to be hurt by love again. Or anything that dared to imitate it. But watching my friends hit milestones I secretly long for has me rethinking my stance on dating. I take a chance on a guy I thought I could trust, only to be proven a fool. When I’m on the verge of giving up completely, the person I least expect begins to show me how loved I could be— if I let him.